While electric bikes have been on the market for a long time, in recent years, both public interest and the variety of bikes have grown, so that when someone is thinking about getting an electric bike they don't know where to start their research. .
For this reason, we have gathered all the parameters and important details that you will need in your research for your new electric bike. We hope they will be useful to you and facilitate your decision and choice.
A good e-bike makes uphills a breeze, helping the rider's effort and strength.
An electric bike may be expensive to buy but if you compare the running costs of a car or a scooter, the electric bike comes out the winner.
In theory, the car may be able to develop high speeds but in practice, when there is traffic on the road, a bicycle, let alone an electric bicycle, can maintain a constant speed and reach its destination first.
The energy consumed by an electric bicycle is very small compared to a moped, a motorbike or a car. The only consumables are the batteries and they can be recycled, like all batteries.
Can I exercise on an electric bike?
A misconception that people have about electric bikes is that they are chosen by people who do not want to exercise. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. Those who buy an electric bike (rather than a scooter or motorbike) want to exercise and be more active than before.
The electric bike brings 99% of those who are not already regular cyclists closer to cycling. For some, the fear of going too far and not having the strength to turn back keeps them from cycling. And for others who would like the bike for their daily commute, getting to their destination or work sweaty is not an option. The electric bike could solve all these problems.
How do I choose the right electric bike?
As in conventional bicycles, so in electric ones, the options today are too many. Before you buy you should pay attention to the following details:
Select Throttle or Pedal Assist
Throttle mode works like a moped. When the motor is activated, the bike accelerates and starts. You can pedal or just enjoy the ride, just by controlling the speed. Pedal Assist generates energy when the rider pedals. This type is more suitable for those who are already cyclists.
Try it
Ask the shop to take it for a test drive just like you would a car. Suggest renting the e-bike for an afternoon so you can get a full view of how it works and how well it suits you.
Check the weight of the bike
Weight plays an important role. The heavier an electric bike is, the more difficult it will be to lift it (eg when entering the subway or if you have to walk because of a flat tire). Also its weight may be prohibitive for the bike rack in your car. Consider all of this before buying, as well as the fact that you can reduce weight by removing the battery.
Select the parking spot
Will you be able to park it in safe places outside or inside? If so, then something fancier might be your choice. But if you're going to leave it exposed on the street, natural wear and tear, vandalism and a possible theft will probably lower your standards a bit.
What does the law say about electric bikes?
For an electric bike you don't need a driving license, a driver's license or plates. But you should respect the speed limit, which for the European Union is 25 km/h.
How far can a fully charged electric bike go?
Most riders can cover a distance of 35-45 km on a single charge. One of the main factors that determine how far you can travel is how much assistance you provide, i.e. how much you pedal. Another one is your own weight: the greater the weight, the less distance an electric bike will cover with a full battery.
How long does it take to charge the battery?
Battery charging times vary by manufacturer and model. Typically, the initial charge will take 6-12 hours while a typical charge for Li-Ion and NiMH batteries will take between 2-6 hours. Cheaper lead acid batteries will take 6-8 hours for a full charge.
Where are the prices for a new electric bike?
Prices for an electric bike start at 400 euros and can reach the stratosphere, like the excellent Blacktrail Bt-01 which costs around 80,000 euros. An average price for a decent electric bike is 1500-2500 euros. In your research, don't forget to look at used electric bike ads because you'll find plenty of bargains.
I have a conventional bike, can I convert it to electric?
48% of those who have an electric bike bought it new, while 52% converted their mountain bike to electric. In essence, with a special conversion kit, the conventional bike gets a motor and a battery. The cost is around 250 euros plus a battery (from 100 to 350 euros).
Is the electric bike a fad and will it pass?
To understand how much a technology will affect our lives in the future, a walk through kickstarter is enough. If he finds in wide variety an innovative idea there, then it will be a big success for sure. For that matter, kickstarter is full of e-bikes asking for funding to get to market. There we will find, split electric bike, with LCD screen, vintage style, charging from a car, for people with special needs, etc.
In the bike-loving Netherlands, electric bikes now account for a third of bikes. Globally, the production of electric bicycles is expected to increase by about one million units every year until 2020.