On Thursday, July 28, the platform for the program "Moving Electric 2" was opened. The subsidy for natural persons reaches 30% of the retail price before taxes, while an extra subsidy is provided for the purchase of a home charger, as well as if the old car is retired at the same time.
Applications will be submitted at https://kinoumeilektrika2.gov.gr/index.html. The right to participate is available to all natural persons who have reached the age of 18 and have a VAT number, as well as all businesses and legal entities (except NPDD), of any form and size that have a head office and/or a branch within the Greek Territory.
In detail for natural persons, the incentives are as follows:
30% subsidy on the retail price before taxes for the purchase of an electric car with a maximum amount of 8,000 euros.
30% subsidy and up to 8,000 euros for long-term leases, with no obligation to buy.
€1,000 withdrawal bonus and €500 smart charger purchase subsidy.
Additional subsidy of 1,000 euros for the purchase of a car for a disabled person.
Additional subsidy of 1,000 euros for families with at least 3 dependent children (1,000 euros for 3 dependent children, and an additional 1,000 euros per additional dependent child up to 4,000 euros).
An additional 1,000 euros for the purchase of a car and minicar for young people up to 29 years of age.
Possibility of assigning the right to collect a subsidy to the selling company.
Subsidy up to 40% and with a maximum amount of 3,000 for the purchase of two-wheelers and three-wheelers of category L5e to L7e (professional electric three-wheelers and minicars).
Subsidy of electric two-wheelers category L1e to L4e up to 20% and with a maximum subsidy amount of 800 euros.
40% subsidy for electric bikes, with a maximum subsidy amount of 800 euros.
Accordingly, the incentives for businesses are:
30% subsidy for the purchase of an electric car with a maximum amount of 8,000 euros from 1 to 20 vehicles and 20% subsidy with a maximum amount of 6,000 euros from 21 vehicles and above.
Withdrawal reward of 1,000 euros per vehicle and smart charger purchase subsidy of 400 euros per recharging point.
Subsidy to courier, distribution and tourism companies for the purchase of up to 10 electric bicycles.
30% subsidy and up to 8,000 euros for long-term leases, with no purchase obligation for 1 to 20 vehicles and 20% subsidy and up to 6,000 euros for 21 vehicles and above respectively.
An additional 4,000 euros per car for companies operating on islands.
30% subsidy and with a maximum amount of 8,000 euros per car for the purchase of electric demonstration cars (test drive) from 1 to 20 vehicles and 20% subsidy with a maximum amount of 6,000 euros for 21 vehicles and more respectively.
Check out 48 frequently asked questions and answers:
1. I am the holder of a car registration license together with two other natural persons and percentages of 20%, 50% and 30%. Is the application submitted per shareholder or in total? Is the subsidy paid per unitholder or in total?
In case there is co-ownership in the license, one (1) application must be submitted, which must include all the co-owners and the individual supporting documents of all co-owners must be attached, as provided in the list of supporting documents (APPENDIX I).
In the case of the collection of the corresponding subsidy, it is proposed that one of the co-owners be selected, who will be designated with the relevant responsible declaration, the signature considered to be genuine (APPENDIX III) by the others, and that the payment be made to his account.
2. Is it mandatory to purchase the vehicle that is leased through the leasing process at the end of the lease agreement?
No, the purchase is not mandatory, but the lease period must be at least three years (3) with own use of the vehicle. It is noted that, in the event that the acquisition of the vehicle is chosen after the end of the lease period, the leasing contract of the vehicle, with which the purchase of the vehicle at the end of the lease has been agreed, as defined in Appendix II, must be submitted.
3. In the case of buying a car after the end of the leasing contract, does it apply that the beneficiary must own it for one or two years?
No. After the end of the rental contract, the beneficiary is not obliged to own the purely electric car.
4. What is the period of time that the beneficiary, whether he is a natural person or a company, must own a vehicle that he will acquire with a subsidy through the action "I MOVE ELECTRICALLY - SECOND CYCLE"?
The natural person can resell the vehicle, which he will acquire with a subsidy through the said action, after the lapse of one (1) year and the company after the lapse of two (2) years.
5. What happens if I have purchased a vehicle and due to an accident it becomes unusable before the end of the year?
In any such case and if the insurance company certifies the necessity of writing off the vehicle due to destruction, then the three-year period will not apply. However, it is emphasized that complete documentation certifying the condition of the vehicle must be provided, accompanied by relevant photographic material.
6. Can someone who has a sole proprietorship make two applications using the same VAT number, one application as a company and one application as a natural person?
It is clear that each TIN is entitled to make an application either as a natural person only or as a company only.
7. Each beneficiary, whether he is a natural person or a company, how many applications is he entitled to submit, using the same VAT number and for how many vehicles?
Each beneficiary, who is a natural person, has the right to submit one (1) application using his VAT number, in order to purchase one (1) vehicle (Category A).
Each beneficiary, who is a company, can submit up to two (2) applications, using the company's VAT number during the action, provided that the initial request for affiliation and the payment of the corresponding subsidy (Category B) have been successfully completed. .
The company has no limit of vehicles that can be requested.
The company has the right to request the subsidy for an equal number of smart recharging points to the purely electric cars it has requested. However, they are required to comply with the Commission's Regulation on de minimis aid EU 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013.
8. Does a company that does not have a restriction on vehicles have to purchase from only one type (eg only passenger cars)?
The selection concerns all purely electric passenger and business cars and electric two-wheelers / three-wheelers. The company with main activity, mentioned below, can choose to be subsidized for up to ten (10) electric bicycles without the simultaneous right to grant an ecological bonus for a smart recharging point.
KAD Activity:
• 77.1 Renting and leasing of cars and light motor vehicles
• Bicycle rental services
• 55.1 Hotels and similar accommodations
• 55.2 Holiday accommodation and other short stay accommodation
• 55.3 Campgrounds, facilities for recreational vehicles and towed vehicles
• Food delivery services
9. How many applications are car dealers entitled to submit, using the same VAT number and for how many purely electric cars?
The company may submit up to two (2) applications, using the company's VAT number during the action, provided that the initial request for affiliation and the payment of the corresponding subsidy (Category B) have been successfully completed.
The subsidy to which a company is entitled for the purchase of one (1) to twenty (20) purely electric cars is equal to 30% of the LTPF with a maximum amount of eight thousand euros (€8000) for each vehicle.
The subsidy entitled to the purchase of twenty (20) or more purely electric cars is equal to 20% of the LTPF with a maximum amount of six thousand euros (€6000) for each vehicle.
The subsidy amount is calculated cumulatively.
10. Are companies based on an island entitled to an additional amount of special subsidy?
The companies, which have their headquarters in an island Municipality of the territory, are provided with an additional public expenditure equal to four thousand euros (€4,000) per purely electric car for which they apply for aid. The islands include Evia and Crete.
11. In which case is the withdrawal of an old vehicle mandatory?
There is no case where the beneficiary has the obligation to carry out a compulsory withdrawal of an old vehicle.
12. The company I will buy an electric car from will provide a home charger with the purchase. I may install the smart charger subsidized by the program in a place other than my main residence, e.g. in my holiday home, since this space is declared in my E9?
Yes, this possibility exists, but only if the ownership / lease of the location of the subsidized charger and the right to install it in the said parking space are documented.
13. I have a VAT number but I do not submit an E1 statement. Can I apply for a subsidy?
In case there is a VAT number available but the obligation to submit a tax return has not yet been created, it is possible to attach the E1 of the taxpayer who mentions you in his own return. In this way, it is certified that you do not have an obligation to submit a tax return.
14. In the event that the vehicle is leased through a leasing contract, how is the ecological bonus paid?
It is recommended that the advance given and provided for in the time-leasing contract be at least equal to the corresponding ecological bonus. In this way, the beneficiary immediately receives the entire aid by submitting a request for the payment of the aid and attaching the contract and the proof of payment of the advance together with the other supporting documents provided for in Appendix I of the invitation.
15. Does the time lease also apply to L-type vehicles (two-wheelers, three-wheelers, bicycles, etc.)?
No, the time lease only applies to pure electric passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles with a maximum mass of up to 3.5 tonnes.
16. I wish to buy an electric bicycle and at the same time retire my old vehicle. Am I entitled to the 400€ bicycle withdrawal subsidy?
No, in the case of bicycles, withdrawal does not apply. The two-wheeler/tricycle retirement subsidy is applied when the beneficiary retires a two-wheeler/tricycle.
17. I wish to buy an electric bicycle and at the same time retire my old vehicle. Am I entitled to the 800€ bicycle withdrawal subsidy?
No, it is expressly forbidden to enhance the ecological bonus for this category. The enhancement of the ecological bonus concerns only electric bicycles, as they have been produced by the factory and without additional interventions and/or conversions. In order to accept the request for payment of the aid, it is mandatory to attach the certificate of compliance, which you request and which the seller must provide you.
18. An applicant company chooses to be subsidized for the purchase of 25 purely electric cars, each of which has a Retail Price Before Taxes (RPT) equal to €25,000. How much is the amount of the subsidy he will receive?
The subsidy to which a company is entitled for the purchase of one (1) to twenty (20) purely electric cars is equal to 30% of the LTPF with a maximum amount of eight thousand euros (€8000) for each vehicle.
The subsidy entitled to the purchase of twenty (20) or more purely electric cars is equal to 20% of the LTPF with a maximum amount of six thousand euros (€6000) for each vehicle.
In the event that the company requests the subsidy of 25 cars, it is calculated as follows:
30% x 25000 x 20 + 20% x 25000 x 5 = 7500 x 20 + 5000 x 5 = 150000 + 25000 = €175000
19. If I choose an electric passenger car with a value (Retail Price Before Taxes) of €25,000 and I wish to add equipment, accessories, etc., with the value finally being set at €30,000, on what price is the ecological bonus calculated?
The ecological bonus is calculated on the issue price of the basic model and does not include additional equipment, accessories, etc. Consequently, the ecological bonus will be calculated based on €25,000 and in the invoice / proof of purchase, if equipment is added, it should be priced separately and clearly .
20. The seller of the electric bicycle refuses to sign the Responsible Declaration of Annex III. What happens in this case?
In any case, the Responsible Seller Declaration for the electric bicycle is a necessary document and the lack of it leads to rejection and non-payment of the ecological bonus. It is recommended that everyone obtain the relevant responsible declaration before paying the value of the bicycle and receiving it.
21. What does Retail Price Before Taxes mean? What other price is there?
The retail price before taxes is the sum of the ex-factory price, shipping costs and profit. In other words, it is the price that does not include any tax, the net value of the vehicle. The price after taxes refers to the VAT that is added to the Retail Price Before Taxes and forms the final purchase cost.
22. What exactly are the actions I have to take when going to a car dealership?
In order for the submission of the eco-bonus payment application through the program to be valid and accepted, you must ask the agency to deliver you an official offer, which will be stamped and signed. The offer must state the Retail Price Before Taxes of the basic version of the model, i.e. the value on which the ecological bonus to which you are entitled will be calculated.
If you choose additional equipment beyond the factory, it should be listed separately or not at all in the offer you get from the dealership. Example :
You want to buy vehicle X, which has a VAT of €24,000, you choose extra equipment worth €5,000, total €29,000, plus VAT €6,960. The offer must clearly and clearly state the above values, as well as the full name and series of the model of the vehicle you choose.
The ecological bonus will be calculated on €24,000.
23. Model version has a catalog MSRP of €35,000. The dealer / seller makes an initial offer / discount for €33,000 and finally sells the vehicle for €32,000. At what value before taxes is the ecological bonus subsidy calculated?
The ecological bonus is always calculated on the Retail Price Before Taxes at which the car is finally sold. It is reminded that the list of eligible models with the official Retail Prices Before Taxes is indicative, the prices may vary and may be reduced and is updated on a weekly basis in order to inform those interested immediately and easily.
24. Model version has €48,000 official catalog MSRP. The customer wants extra equipment for an additional €7,000. The subsidy he receives is calculated on what pre-tax value?
It receives a subsidy which is estimated at €48,000, since as already answered the additional equipment from the basic version of the model series is not subsidized.
25. A car is bought with a registered VAT of €33,000 and a discount of €4,000 is finally made. So the final purchase value before taxes will be €29,000. At what pre-tax value will it be subsidized?
As already answered, the calculation of the final prorated subsidy will be based on the final purchase value as stated in the official tax document issued by the seller to the buyer. In this particular case, the subsidy will be calculated on €29,000, which is certified when the payment request is submitted.
26. I applied to join the program and was rejected. Am I allowed to resubmit?
Of course, it is possible to submit a new request as long as you have previously received the official information about your rejection and the reasons for it. In this case, the submission process will follow the process followed by all applications.
27. I visited a store that sells two-wheelers, three-wheelers and bicycles to buy an electric bicycle. The seller pointed out the following to me explaining that it has pedals and is sold as a bicycle. Will I receive a 40% subsidy?
This type of vehicle is not an electric bicycle, but an electric two-wheeler since it has a throttle mechanism on the handles. Accordingly, the subsidy will be calculated at 20% of the value of the model, which is eligible as an electric two-wheeler and not an electric bicycle. Also, the necessary supporting documents of the category must be presented (e.g. driving license, etc.).
28. Is it possible to change the vehicle in relation to the one for which I originally applied for an ecological bonus? If I have submitted my request with vehicle X and provided an offer, can I change it?
Yes, it is possible to change the application regarding the model but only with a similar type of vehicle. That is, if you have applied for a purely electric passenger car, you cannot change category and apply for a two-wheeler. To change the initial selection, you can submit a modification request by submitting a new offer.
29. How do I receive the ecological bonus?
The ecological bonus is received only by the beneficiary/final recipient and is paid to the bank account indicated by him with the relevant request. A payment request accompanied by all the supporting documents specified in APPENDIX II of the invitation must be submitted first.
30. What exactly is a "smart" home recharging point (charger)?
The home recharging point (charger) is a device that is suitable and intended for charging electric vehicles in a domestic environment. The term "smart" refers to the device's technical ability to manage power (speed at which it charges the electric vehicle).
The required technical specifications of the devices that are eligible for the provision of the subsidy, including the specifications regarding the ability to manage power, are described in the relevant paragraph of the action's TOR are available in the form "Technical specifications of eligible E/O recharging points", which is posted on the action website.
31. Is the amount of subsidy to which the beneficiary is entitled, either as a natural person or a company, for the purchase of a home recharging point (charger) fixed or does it depend on the price of the device?
The amount of the subsidy for the purchase of a home recharging point (charger) covers the purchase cost of the device as indicated on the purchase receipt (price before VAT), while it cannot exceed €500 for natural persons and €400 € for companies. It is noted that the amount of the subsidy is not calculated as a percentage of the price of the device.
For example, a device with a cost of €600 before VAT. will receive a subsidy of €500, while a device with a cost of €400 before VAT. will receive a subsidy of €400.
32. What exactly is the "smart" recharging point (charger) for which the company applies and for which a subsidy of €400 is given?
The recharging point (charger) is a device that is suitable and intended for charging electric vehicles in business parking lots with private access.
It is pointed out that the recharging point is intended for private use by the company and in no case will it be publicly accessible. The term "smart" refers to the device's technical ability to manage power (speed at which it charges the electric vehicle).
The required technical specifications of the devices that are eligible for the provision of the subsidy, including the specifications regarding the ability to manage power, are described in the relevant paragraph of the action's TOR are available in the form "Technical specifications of eligible E/O recharging points", which is posted on the action website.
33. What is the procedure to receive the subsidy for the "smart" charging point (charger) I/O, whether it is for use in a domestic environment or in a company parking lot?
During the application phase, you must select the "smart" recharge point (charger) subsidy by marking YES in the corresponding field of the web portal. In this phase you will be asked to attach an official offer for the recharge point which indicates the type of recharge (Mode 3 and/or Mode 4) of the device according to what is mentioned in the notice of the action. You will also be asked to attach one of the following two forms:
Lease contract from www.gsis.gr or
Form E9,
Together with a Responsible Declaration of the beneficiary in the event that the parking space in E9 is declared as an auxiliary space.
To complete the application and pay the amount of the subsidy, you must submit the necessary supporting documents, as described in Appendix II of the action's Terms of Reference and posted here: support.kinoumeilektrika2 [at] prv.ypeka.gr
34. There is a list of supporting documents required for the provision of the subsidy to the "smart" recharging points (chargers), whether it is for their use in a domestic environment or in a company parking lot. What are these supporting documents about and how can I obtain them?
The supporting documents required for the provision of the subsidy to the "smart" E/O recharging points (chargers), whether they are to be used in a domestic environment or in a company's parking lot for private use, relate to the following:
Documents certifying the technical specifications of the recharging point and which must be provided to you by the seller of the device, unless the specific recharging point for which you are requesting a subsidy is on the indicative list of Eligible "Smart" Recharging Points posted on the website of action "Move Electric", and is updated at regular intervals.
Proof of purchase of the charger (offer in the submission phase and proof of purchase in the application completion phase).
Evidence that you are the owner/lessee of the parking space in which the charger will be installed and certifying the use as a parking space when required.
Photographic documentation, when the beneficiary is a company.
Documents certifying the installation of the charger and which must be provided to you by the electrical installer of the device. (copy of Responsible installer statement, copy of completed DEDDIE connection/update form).
35. I am a manufacturer/importer of a device that functions as recharging points (chargers) whether intended for use in a domestic environment or in a company parking lot. What is the process to add this device to the indicative list of Eligible "Smart" Recharge Points?
You must apply, which is accompanied by the necessary supporting documents as defined here: https://kinoumeilektrika2.gov.gr. These supporting documents describe and prove both the fulfillment of the safety specifications, as well as the technical characteristics of the recharging points that make them "smart".
This application is submitted:
a) electronically at the address: support.kinoumeilektrika2 [at] prv.ypeka.gr or
b) in writing to the address: Mesogeion 119, P.O. 11526,
Ministry of Environment and Energy, Energy Sector
Independent Department of Electrification.
The selection and registration of recharging points in the list (manufacturer and model of the device) is done by the Autonomous Department of Electrification of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, Energy Sector.
36. Where can I find the indicative list of Eligible "Smart" Recharge Points posted?
This list is posted on the website of the action https://kinoumeilektrika2.gov.gr, updated and updated at regular intervals, with the addition of new eligible chargers. The latest version of the list will be posted on the action's website when the online application platform is launched.
37. I want to buy a "smart" recharge point (charger), which is not included in the indicative list of Eligible "Smart" Recharge Points posted on the campaign's website. Am I entitled to a subsidy for this charger?
As long as the charger meets the specifications set out in the posted file https://kinoumeilektrika2.gov.gr and this supplier can supply you with the necessary supporting documents as described on the website https://kinoumeilektrika2.gov.gr then you are entitled to a subsidy for this charger.
38. Can I apply to receive a subsidy only for the purchase of a "smart" recharging point (charger) without simultaneously applying for a subsidy for the acquisition of an electric vehicle?
A subsidy for the purchase of an "intelligent" recharging point (charger) is available only to those who apply for a subsidy for the acquisition of a purely electric passenger and/or business car with a maximum weight of up to 3.5 tonnes.
39. Does the subsidy for a "smart" recharging point (charger) concern only natural persons and/or legal persons (companies)?
The subsidy for a "smart" recharging point (charger) concerns natural persons and legal persons (companies), i.e. Category A and B respectively.
40. For how many "smart" recharging points (chargers) is the beneficiary entitled to a subsidy?
Each beneficiary, regardless of which Category he belongs to, is entitled to receive a subsidy for one (1) "smart" recharging point (charger) for each electric passenger and/or commercial car, applying to the action, according to the conditions of the action per Category of beneficiary. This means that the natural person is eligible to apply for an electric car and a charger.
The company is entitled to apply for purely electric cars and for a corresponding number of chargers, without limitation on the number of cars. However, they are required to comply with the de minimis aid regulation.
41. I live in an apartment building and I either have a private/leased parking space in the driveway or I park my vehicle in the uncovered space. Am I entitled to a subsidy for the acquisition of a "smart" home recharging point?
To be eligible for a subsidy to acquire a "smart" home recharging point, you must own or rent a parking space and have the right to install the recharging point in the parking space. This is proven by submitting a rental contract from www.gsis.gr or form E9 as the case may be.
Thus, in the event that you have a private/leased parking space in the basement of the apartment building where you live, this can be proven by submitting one of the supporting documents mentioned above and you are therefore entitled to a subsidy for the acquisition of a "smart" home recharging point.
The rental agreement must state that you have the right to install the recharging point in the parking space. Otherwise, you can provide an affidavit from the lessor granting you the right to install the recharging point.
If this parking space belongs to your spouse, you can provide a responsible statement from him/her granting you the right to use the space and install the "smart" home charging point.
In the event that you park your vehicle in the uncovered space of the apartment building where you live, without being the owner or tenant of a parking space, you are not entitled to a subsidy for the acquisition of a "smart" home recharging point.
42. One of my protected members, a minor child, is a Person with Disabilities. Am I entitled to the additional subsidy of €1000?
In any case, the beneficiary of the subsidy as well as any additional subsidy concerning Persons with Disabilities must be the same person. Therefore, in order to benefit from the additional amount given to Persons with Disabilities, one must have the relevant certificate requested in the supporting documents. Therefore, in the case of a minor child, it is not possible to pay the additional subsidy to the parent.
43. If I am a child of a family with three or more dependent children, am I entitled to the additional subsidy of €500 when I choose to be subsidized for an electric bicycle?
No. Beneficiaries of the special category subsidy in the case of a family with three (3) or more dependent children (for the purchase of an electric bicycle) are the mother and father of the dependent children. This status is proven by presenting the Family Status Certificate and Form E1 from www.gsis.gr.
44. The validity of the certificate documenting the status of a Person with a Disability has expired. What do I do in this case so as to ensure the additional amount provided by the action?
In this case, you will submit the expired certificate as well as the protocol number of the application you submitted for its renewal.
45. Is it possible to buy a vehicle (car, bicycle, two-wheeler/tricycle) from a European Union country?
Yes, the purchase is accepted, however, the binding obligation of presenting the supporting documents mentioned in the action's GPA remains. The English language is acceptable for their submission.
46. I have ordered a vehicle, any of the eligible ones of the action, and I was informed that it will be delivered in three months. What do I do in this case? Is there a risk that I will lose the subsidy because the moment I apply for its payment the available resources will be exhausted?
Your priority in the payment of the aid and the availability of resources applies when you submit the initial request to participate in the action and not when you submit a payment request. This means that from the moment you are approved for your participation you are guaranteed the availability of the resources.
Regarding the time period of waiting for delivery based on what is mentioned in the action guide, your approval is valid for twelve (12) months from your written notification regarding the acceptance of the participation application. After the expiration of the specified period, the approval is revoked and is not valid, unless the delivery is not possible for documented and specific reasons of force majeure.
In this case a three-month extension request will be submitted, and if the three-month period also passes fruitlessly it leads to the permanent loss of your original membership. The above extension is granted once. The request for the extension must be submitted exclusively electronically in the information system and no later than three days before the end of the period of the initial period of validity.
47. I am self-employed and declare income from self-employment, do I have the possibility to participate in the action?
Yes, self-employed persons fall under category B, and have the possibility to purchase or lease purely electric passenger and commercial vehicles with a maximum mass of up to 3.5 tons and/or electric two-wheelers or three-wheelers or bicycles. Therefore, sole proprietorships of any form and activity (except for the excluded activities of the action guide) are eligible as companies.
48. What supporting documents are required for the withdrawal of a two-wheeler/tricycle and what procedure do I have to follow?
For the withdrawal of a two-wheeler/tricycle, we recommend that you contact specialized companies that deal with the subject or do the process through KEP.
The necessary supporting documents are:
1. Vehicle Withdrawal Application
2. Police ID or Passport of the applicant
3. Traffic license
4. License plate.
In case of loss, a certificate from the Police Department is required for the declaration of loss and a receipt of €30 from the Public Fund
5. Payment deed if ownership is withheld.
Tolls must be paid.